Developer Setup
We assume a recent Eclipse installation with Maven Integration (m2e) installed. The following were tested in Eclipse Juno with m2e 1.1
- Go to the Files page and download the latest ilsp-fc* archive.
- In Eclipse, go to menu
File->Import->General->Existing Projects Into Workspace
. - Choose Next.
- Click Select archive file.
- Browse to where you saved the ilsp-fc* archive.
- Press Finish.
- The project will now be imported and all dependencies will be downloaded.
An alternative way of building ILSP-FC using Maven only is the following:
- Make sure a recent version of Maven (3.*) is installed on your machine
- Download from the Files page the latest ilsp-fc* archive, e.g.
[user@machine:~/src ]$ wget
[user@machine:~/src ]$ unzip
[user@machine:~/src ]$ cd ilsp-fc-x.x
[user@machine:~/src/ilsp-fc-x.x ]$ mvn clean install
- A runnable jar is now created. You can test it by running, e.g.,
[user@machine:~/src/ilsp-fc-x.x ]$ java -jar ./target/ilsp-fc-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
- See the GettingStarted page for more examples on how to run ILSP-FC