How to get ILSP-FC
Depending on your requirements and your system setup, there are several ways to get ILSP-FC.
Get ILSP-FC to use from the command line
If you want to run ILSP-FC directly from the command line, you can download the latest runnable jar-with-dependencies jar file provided in the Files section of this site. See the [[GettingStarted|Getting Started]] page for usage information and examples.
Get ILSP-FC to use in your Java project
You can integrate ILSP-FC in your own Java project in two ways.
The suggested way is by using Maven (and Eclipse). See the Developer Setup page for further information.
If you do not want to use Maven, you can use the latest source-with-dependencies zip file provided in the Files section of this site. It contains the source for ILSP-FC and jars for all third party libraries. You can add these jars to the Java build path in your favourite IDE.