Tagset with examples

Table of Contents

1. Noun
1.1. Type
1.2. Gender
1.3. Number
1.4. Case
2. Adjective
2.1. Degree
2.2. Gender, number, and case
3. Numeral
3.1. Type
3.2. Gender, number, and case
3.3. Function
4. Article
4.1. Type
4.2. Gender, number, and case
5. Verb
5.1. Type
5.2. Finiteness/Mood
5.3. Tense
5.4. Person
5.5. Number
5.6. Gender
5.7. Aspect
5.8. Voice
5.9. Case
6. Pronoun
6.1. Type
6.2. Person
6.3. Gender
6.4. Number
6.5. Case
6.6. Inflection
7. Adverb
7.1. Type
7.2. Degree
8. Adposition (= Preposition)
8.1. Type
8.2. Form
8.3. Gender, number and case
9. Conjunction
9.1. Type
10. Interjection
10.1. Ij Interjection
11. Particles
11.1. Type
12. Residual
12.1. Type
12.2. Transliteration
13. Tokenizer tags
13.1. Punctuation
13.2. Abbreviations
13.3. Digits
13.4. Enumerations
13.5. Dates