


Getting Started » History » Version 26

Vassilis Papavassiliou, 2012-10-26 03:59 PM

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h1. Getting Started
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Once you [[DeveloperSetup|build]] or [[HowToGet|download]] an ilsp-fc runnable jar, you can run it like this
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<pre><code>java -jar ilsp-fc-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar</code></pre>
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There are several settings that influence the crawling process and can be defined in the configuration file (the default file is [[crawler_config.xml]]) before the crawling process. Some of them can also be set in the command running the ilsp-fc runnable jar, as follows:
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<pre><code>-a :user agent name 
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-c :the crawl duration in minutes. Since the crawler runs in cycles (during which links stored at the top of the crawler’s frontier 
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    are extracted and new links are examined) it is very likely that the defined time will expire during a cycle run. Then, the crawler
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    will stop only after the end of the running cycle. The default value is 10 minutes.
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-n :the crawl duration in cycles. 
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-t :the number of threads that will be used to fetch web pages in parallel.
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-type : the type of crawling. Crawling for monolingual (m) or parallel (p).
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-lang : the targeted language in case of monolingual crawling.
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-l1 :  the first targeted language in case of bilingual crawling.
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-l2 :  the second targeted language in case of bilingual crawling.
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h2. Run a monolingual crawl
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<pre><code>java -jar ilsp-fc-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar crawlandexport -a \
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                -cfg FMC_config.xml -t 10 -type m -c 10 -lang de -of output_test1_list.txt \
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                -ofh  output_test1_list.txt.html -tc Automotive-seed-terms-de.txt  \
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                 -u  Automotive-seed-urls.txt -xslt -f -k</code></pre>
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h2. Run a bilingual crawl
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<pre><code>java -jar ilsp-fc-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar crawlandexport -a test1 -c 10 -f -k -l1 de -l2 it -t 10 -of test_HS_DE-IT_output.txt -ofh  test_HS_DE-IT_output.txt.html -tc HS_DE-IT_topic.txt -type p -xslt -u  seed_suva.txt -cfg FBC_config.xml</code></pre>
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h2. Example of java code
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<code class="java">
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package gr.ilsp.fmc.classifier;
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public enum ClassifierCounters {
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    CLASSIFIER_DOCUMENTS_PASSED,   // successfully classified a document.
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    CLASSIFIER_DOCUMENTS_FAILED,   // failed to classify a document
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<code class="xml">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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