


Sentence Alignment Setup » History » Version 9

Prokopis Prokopidis, 2016-02-12 03:29 PM

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# Sentence Alignment Setup 
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For the generation of sentence alignments from bilingual crawls, ILSP-FC integrates the java sentence aligner provided at Alternatively you can use an external aligner like hunalign.
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For example, for the current version of ILSP-FC, you can   
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* download the hunalign-1.2 source code from 
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* follow the instructions on the hunalign page for building hunalign
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* put the hunalign directory containing the hunalign executable next to the runnable ilsp-fc jar. 
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For example, if you run ilsp-fc from:
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you should do the following 
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cd ~/ilsp-fc/
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tar xvfz hunalign-1.2.tgz
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cd hunalign-1.2/src/hunalign/
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ln -sf hunalign-1.2 hunalign
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This should create hunalign/src/hunalign/hunalign with the suggested hunalign directory structure, including
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Now, you are ready to produce TMX files from bilingual crawled data using the <code>-align</code>, <code>-dict</code>, <code>-oft</code> and <code>-ofth</code> options described  in the [[GettingStarted|Getting Started]] part of the documentation.