


TMX merging » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Prokopis Prokopidis, 2016-02-16 12:34 PM) → Version 2/10 (Vassilis Papavassiliou, 2016-02-16 07:55 PM)

# TMX merging

It merges generated TMX and creates the final TMX which is considered as the final output (i.e. the bilingual corpus). Filtering of segment pairs is supported since targeted types of document pairs and segment can be selected. It also extracts metadata of the final corpus.

java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/ilsp-fc/log4j.xml -jar /opt/ilsp-fc/ilsp-fc-2.2.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
-tmxmerge -lang "L1;L2" -oxslt -doctypes "aupdih" -segtypes "1:1" \
-tmx (fullpath of the merged TMX to be constructed) \

-tmxmerge : for merging generated TMX files (i.e. construct a bilingual corpus).

-doctypes : Defines the types of the document pairs from which the segment pairs will be selected. The proposed value is "aupidh" since pairs of type "m" and "l" (e.g. eng-1_lav-3_m.xml or eng-2_lav-8_l.xml) are only used for testing or examining the tool.

-thres : thresholds for 0:1 alignments per type. It should be of the same length with the types parameter. If a TMX of type X contains more 0:1 segment pairs than the corresponding threshold, it will not be selected

-segtypes : Types of segment alignments that will be selected for the final output. The value "1:1" (deault) is proposed. If omitted, segments of all types will be processed. "Otherwise put segment types seperated by ; (i.e. 1:1;1:2;2:1)

-tmx : A TMX files that includes filtered segment pairs of the generated TMX. This is the final output of the process (i.e. the parallel corpus)

-cc : If exists, exist, only document pairs for which a license has been detected will be selected in merged TMX.

-metadata : Generates an XML file which contains metadata of the generated corpus.

-cfg : The full path to a configuration file that can be used to override default parameters.